Further resources
Here is a collection of three short essays that I have written as well as some useful links to other Jungian literature and websites.
Does Money and Individuation Fit Together
Money is a symbol of psychic energy and, next to sex, one of the biggest projection carriers for the soul. Money also carries a universal transformational possibility, which is another reason why the psyche is so interested. One could even say that money is the talisman of the Self, that the Self must use money to achieve its aims. Read it here.
Jungian Nondualism
Jungian theories on the nature of reality and human development can very well be balanced against the corresponding views of Nondualism as expressed in Eastern spiritual traditions such as Zen and Taoism and in the theories of Ken Wilber and other modern transpersonal and Nondual scholars. Can there then be such a thing as Jungian Nondualism? Read it here.
Perennial Patterns of Male Initiation and their Significance for Men of Our Time
There is a severe lack of meaningful initiation rites in modern society and these rites have mostly disappeared from conscious presentation. One burning question regarding the psychological state of men today is the prevalence of adolescent mind frames the absence of a traditional and spiritually grounded initiation aiding the preservation of mature masculinity. Read it here.
James Hollis: The Middle Passage: From Misery to Meaning in Midlife
The Middle Passage occurs when a person is obliged to view his or her life as something more than a linear succession of years. It begins when the person is obliged to ask anew the question of meaning, when one is required to face issues which had been patched over. The question of identity returns and one can no longer evade responsibility for it. The Middle Passage starts when we ask, “Who am I, apart from my history and the roles I have played?” Buy it here.
Murray Stein: Jung’s map of the soul
Probably the best one-volume English language summary of Jung's thought. Stein develops the cartographical metaphor of the title by beginning with the "surface" of the psyche and exploring successively more complex areas, including complexes, libido theory, shadow, "anima" and "animus", the self, individuation, and synchronicity. Stein demonstrates the interconnectedness and coherence of Jung's mature work. Buy it here.
Michael Gurian: Love’s Journey
This passionate book serves as a roadmap for intimate partners over the journey of an entire lifetime and as an important tool for moving past power struggle and on into joyous, fulfilling life partnership. Buy it here.
Carl Jung: Memories, Dreams, Reflections
The frank revelations of the innermost life of one of the greatest explorers of the human mind. A unique document of our own and of all time. Buy it here.
The International School of Analytical Psychology in Zürich - ISAP
The C.G. Jung Institute in Zürich
The International Association for Analytical Psychology - IAAP